How do I find the number of words on each page of a website? Of course, there are various platforms that can help you find this type of data, but I preferred to build a script in Python that solved this problem for me super quickly. Let's see how this Python script works, which counts the words on every page of a website. In short, the steps are: We extract all the links of the domain of interest; We count the words on each page; We export the data in an Excel table (column A the link, column B the number of words); How do I install Python and VS Code? Nothing easier! See my step by step guide.
You can see a screenshot of the output of this script below: 2023 06 10 13 25 30 Having the data in an Excel file makes it much easier to sort ascending by word count. When you have access to this data you clearly know which pages are less than 350-400 words. These Belgium WhatsApp Number Data are the pages to focus on. Word of warning: the script is very basic and could be improved. Admittedly, the word count is approximate, as it also counts footer information, etc. But given that it's very fast (under 20 seconds for 400 links) and comes at no cost, I think it's a pretty reasonable alternative to solve a one-off problem.
The script is below, all you have to do is replace on line 22 the Base URL with the site you want to extract the data from -> base_url = 'https://numele_domeniului.ro/' import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import pandas as pd def get ython script that counts the words on each page of a website. In short, the steps are: Extract all the links of the domain of interest; Count the words in each page; Export the data to an Excel table (column A the link, column B the number of words).